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Umbrella Excess Liability Insurance

    Umbrella Excess Liabilty Insurance

    We offer excess limits for our truck insurance policyholders to guard against unforeseen, catastrophic losses. It provides higher limits in addition to the General Liability, Truck Liability (Auto Liability) and/or Employers Liability Policy, and it gives you additional coverage.

    Commercial Excess Liability Coverage lets you add to the dollar limit of your underlying liability policy up to the amount of additional coverage purchased — with the option of up to $5 million total in coverage. Your underlying liability policy doesn’t change other than its dollar limit, and its terms and conditions still apply.

    Protecting your assets is a fundamental part of managing your trucking business. An excess limits policy helps you do just that. It is designed to protect trucking companies from large losses that could undermine their financial stability.

    An excess limits policy for a trucking company provides additional coverage beyond the limits of your existing liability policy. Excess coverage includes, but is not limited to:

    • Liability coverage for bodily injury;
    • Property damage;
    • Advertising mistakes, libel, and slander claims;
    • Personal injury claims; and
    • Pollution coverage.

    Plus, when you carry excess insurance limits, your shippers will have an assurance that they are dealing with a well-protected carrier while you get financial peace of mind.



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    Umbrella Excess Liability Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

    Is there a waiting period before umbrella insurance coverage becomes effective? Great West Casualty Company’s umbrella and excess coverages do not contain a waiting period before becoming effective.
    Does umbrella insurance cover legal defense costs in addition to liability claims?

    Legal defense costs which are covered under Great West Casualty Company’s auto and general liability policies, could also be covered under Great West’s umbrella policy. A Joe Morten & Son agent can assist you in building a coverage protection plan using an umbrella policy based on your needs.

    How does umbrella insurance complement existing trucking insurance policies?

    In general, an umbrella policy goes over top a primary policy, providing higher limits of insurance. In some cases, the umbrella policy may be broader than the underlying primary policy. Items covered by the umbrella policy, but not the primary policy, may be subject to a retention/deductible.

    Is umbrella insurance required for truckers by law or regulations?

    Umbrella insurance is not required by law, but is strongly recommended.

    What types of liabilities does umbrella insurance typically cover for truckers?

    In general, an umbrella policy could cover auto liability, general liability, garagekeepers, and brokerage liability exposures that a trucker could have covered by their primary policies.